Didn’t Score Up To 200 In JAMB 2024? Here Are 6 Alternative Options

JAMB Marking Scheme & Grading System 2024/2025 for All Subjects


What Is JAMB Score? JAMB Marking Scheme? Grading System? JAMB Calculator, How is the JAMB exam marked? Does JAMB use negative marking?, how is the JAMB result calculated?, how does JAMB calculate their score? all these are frequently asked questions and related queries to the JAMB Marking Scheme & Grading System 2024/2025 for All Subjects and we are going to give answers to these queries one at a time, so stay tuned to this article in full.

To understand the impact of your JAMB score on your admission prospects, READ: Jamb/UTME Cut-off Mark 2024/2025 For All Schools

What Is JAMB Score?

JAMB score is the total mark a student can achieve in the UTME exam, ranging from 0 to 400. This score influences the likelihood of gaining admission to a specific University, Polytechnic, or College of Education.

The JAMB score per question represents the marks awarded for each correct answer in the exam. With 180 questions in total, each carrying equal weight, the JAMB examination has a cumulative score of 400, distributed equally across the four subjects, each contributing 100 marks.

READ ALSO:How to Score 300 & Above in JAMB 2024/2025


What is JAMB Marking Scheme?

The Jamb Marking scheme to my understanding is an organised marking system where JAMB’s examiners award one mark for each correct answer and impose negative marking for incorrect answers, aiming to discourage guessing by candidates.

What is JAMB Grading System?

The JAMB grading system is based on UTME performance, with a maximum score of 400 (100 points per subject). Grading is as follows:

  • 75% and above: Excellent
  • 65% – 74%: Very Good
  • 50% – 64%: Good
  • 45% – 49%: Fair
  • 40% – 44%: Pass

Below 40%: Fail The aggregate score determines eligibility for admission, but institutions may set higher cut-off marks than the JAMB minimum pass mark.

How is the JAMB Exam Marked?

JAMB employs a computerized system, utilizing the “item response theory” (IRT) for marking the UTME. Specifically, they apply the “one-parameter logistic model” (1PLM) within IRT.

This statistical model assesses a candidate’s ability based on their responses, assuming the likelihood of a correct answer hinges on both question difficulty and the candidate’s ability.

The IRT model ensures fairness and reliability by incorporating questions of different difficulty levels and accommodating candidates with varying abilities.

For Instance, the Use of English in UTME carries a total of 100 marks, distributed across three sections with a total of 60 questions. Here’s the breakdown:

Section A: Comprehension/Summary Questions

  • Comprehension Passages: 5 questions x 3 marks each = 15 marks
  • Cloze Passage/Register: 10 questions x 2 marks each = 20 marks
  • Reading Text: 10 questions x 1 mark each = 10 marks
    • Section A Total Score: 45 marks

Section B: Lexis and Structure Questions

  • Sentence Interpretation: 5 questions x 2 marks each = 10 marks
  • Antonyms: 5 questions x 2 marks each = 10 marks
  • Synonyms: 5 questions x 1 mark each = 5 marks
  • Basic Grammar: 10 questions x 2 marks each = 20 marks
    • Section B Total Score: 45 marks

Section C: Oral Forms (Test of Oral)

  • Vowels: 2 questions x 1 mark each = 2 marks
  • Consonants: 2 questions x 1 mark each = 2 marks
  • Rhymes: 2 questions x 1 mark each = 2 marks
  • Word Stress: 2 questions x 1 mark each = 2 marks
  • Emphatic Stress: 2 questions x 1 mark each = 2 marks
    • Section C Total Score: 10 marks

Overall UTME Use of English Total Marks: 100 and your JAMB score is determined by the number of correctly answered questions in each subject, multiplied by the respective marks for those questions.

How Is The JAMB Score Calculated?

For instance, in JAMB UTME Use of English, consisting of 60 questions, Obi answered a total of 40 questions correctly. The breakdown of Ada’s score is as follows:

Obi scored a total of 60 marks in the JAMB UTME Use of English, which comprises 60 questions. In Section A, He earned 20 marks by correctly answering questions in Comprehension Passages, Cloze Passage, and Reading Text. Section B contributed 30 marks to his total, with correct responses in Sentence Interpretation, Antonyms, Synonyms, and Basic Grammar.

Obi secured 10 marks in Section C by answering all questions correctly in Vowels, Consonants, Rhymes, Word Stress, and Emphatic Stress. Overall, Obi’s achievement is the sum of these section scores, indicating her performance in the Use of English section.

Except for English (Use of English) in JAMB UTME, which has 60 questions, other UTME subjects each have 40 questions. Each question is scored 2.5 marks, resulting in 100 marks per subject. For the three subjects (Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry), the total marks are 300 (40 x 2.5 + 40 x 2.5 + 40 x 2.5), and when combined with English (100 marks), the overall total is 400 marks.

For example, if Obi answered 30 questions correctly in each of these three subjects, his score in each subject would be 75 marks. Thus, Obi’s total mark for Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry would be 75 + 75 + 75 = 225 marks.

Therefore, Obi’s JAMB UTME score is the sum of his marks in Use of English (60) and the three other subjects (225), resulting in a total score of 285 out of 400 marks.

JAMB Pass Mark

The JAMB pass mark, or minimum UTME score, is the lowest score required for admission into Nigerian tertiary institutions. It varies annually, influenced by factors like overall candidate performance, institutional reputation, program competitiveness, and desired student quality.

JAMB Marking Scheme & Grading System 2024/2025

For Instance, the Use of English in UTME carries a total of 100 marks, distributed across three sections with a total of 60 questions. Here’s the breakdown in tables

JAMB Marking Scheme & Grading System 2024/2025
JAMB Marking Scheme & Grading System 2024/2025
JAMB Marking Scheme & Grading System 2024/2025

Grand Total Score: 100 marks

JAMB Marking Scheme & Grading System 2024/2025

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the total score for JAMB?

The maximum total score for JAMB is 400, as each of the four registered subjects can contribute a maximum of 100 marks, resulting in a combined score of 400.

What Is JAMB Score for Each subject?

In JAMB, every subject is allocated 100 marks. However, for all subjects except JAMB Use of English, each question is worth 2.5 marks. Answering all 40 questions correctly in these subjects will result in achieving the maximum score of 100 marks.

Is it true that JAMB is adding 40 marks?

No, JAMB no longer adds 40 marks to any student’s score. This practice was only implemented in 2016, the year Computer-Based Testing (CBT) was first introduced, and some systems faced significant marking complications.

What is the Highest Score A Student Can Get In JAMB?

The maximum score achievable in JAMB is 400, and attaining this score depends solely on the student’s effort and determination.


The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB), founded in 1978, conducts the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) in Nigeria. UTME, a computer-based test, assesses candidates in four subjects related to their chosen field for admission into tertiary institutions, including universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. The annual examination results are crucial for determining eligibility for admission into higher education institutions.


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